Christian Science Churches in Connecticut

First Church of Christ, Scientist,
Darien, CT
2331 Post Rd
Darien, CT 06820
Mailing address
PO Box 3435
Noroton, CT 06820
Sunday Service
10:30 am
Sunday School
9:25 am
Via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89725768095
Meeting ID: 897 2576 8095 Passcode: 818920
Wednesday Testimony Meeting
7:30 pm
Via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89853745109
Meeting ID: 898 5374 5109
Thanksgiving Day Service
10:30 am and Zoom
Reading Room
Mon-Wed-Fri, 10-1 pm
Tuesday, Thursday, 12-3 pm
1904 Post Road
Darien, CT 06820
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
Glastonbury, CT
42 School Street
Glastonbury, CT 06033-2241
Sunday Service & Sunday School
10:30 am
Via Zoom audio: Please call for codes
Wednesday Testimony Meeting
7:30 pm
Via Zoom audio: Please contact
us by email for codes
Thanksgiving Day Service
10:30 am and Zoom
Reading Room
Tues & Sat, 11-2 pm
Same location as church

First Church of Christ, Scientist,
Greenwich, CT
11 Park Place
Greenwich, CT 06830
(203) 869-1555
Sunday Service and Sunday School
10:30 am (In person) and teleconference
For teleconference, dial 203-680-9095.
The access code is 520520*
Wednesday Testimony Meeting
7:30 pm in-person and teleconference
For teleconference, dial 203-680-9095.
The access code is 520520*
Thanksgiving Day Service
10:30 am
Reading Room Hours
Mon - Fri 11-3
Sat 12-2
333 Greenwich Avenue
Please phone Reading Room
to confirm hours before visiting
(203) 869-2503
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
Guilford, CT
49 Park Street
Guilford, Connecticut
(203) 453-9175
Sunday Service & Sunday School
10:30 am
Meeting ID: 848 0548 1698
Passcode: 343426
Wednesday Testimony Meeting
Meeting ID: 848 0548 1698
Passcode: 343426
7:30 pm
Thanksgiving Day Service
10:30 am and Zoom
Reading Room
Tuesday - Saturday from 12-2
Sunday and Wednesday after services
Same location as church

First Church of Christ, Scientist,
Hartford, CT
235 Scarborough Street
Hartford, CT 06105
(860) 200-4710
Sunday Service and Sunday School
10:30 am
Wednesday Testimony Meeting
7:30 pm
(In-person and Zoom)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 815 6571 9162, Password: 235
from a telephone:
Dial into any location
(301)715-8592 US (Germantown, MD)
(646) 558-8656 US (New York)
Thanksgiving Day Service
10:30 am
Reading Room Hours
Mon - Wed - Fri 11-3
Sat 11-3
8 North Main Street
West Hartford, CT 06107
Phone: (860) 200-4710

Christian Science Society,
Mystic, CT
5 Gravel Street
Mystic, Connecticut 06355
(860) 536-7503
Sunday Service and Sunday School
10 am (In-person and Zoom)
For Zoom: Dial 646-558-8656
Enter: ID#: 878-366-1264#
Wednesday Testimony Meeting
7:30 pm in-person
Thanksgiving Day Service
10:00 am
Reading Room Hours
Thursday 11-2
or by appointment
Same location as church
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
New Canaan, CT
49 Park Street
New Canaan, Connecticut 06840
(203) 966-0293
Sunday Service & Sunday School
10:30 am
Wednesday Testimony Meeting
7:30 PM via Zoom only
or by phone
646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 882 2003 8655
Passcode: 780840
Thanksgiving Day Service
10:30 am
Reading Room
Open Mondays 11-2
Call to confirm hours 203-966-0293
Same location as church

First Church of Christ, Scientist,
New Haven, CT
950 Chapel Street
New Haven, CT 06510
(203) 787-0829
Sunday Service and Sunday School
10:00 am
Wednesday Testimony Meeting
7:30 pm (In person)
or option to call in
Conference #: 267-807-9605. Pin: 639831#
Thanksgiving Day Service
10:00 am
(In person) or
option to call in.
Conference #: 267-807-9605. Pin: 639831#
Reading Room Hours
Mon, Tues, Wed, & Sat
Same location as church

First Church of Christ, Scientist,
Ridgefield, CT
260 Main Street
Ridgefield, CT 06877-4935
Sunday Service & Sunday School
10:30 am
V(In-person and Zoom)
Join via Zoom Password: 783113.
By phone 646 558 8656,
Meeting ID: 203 438 4780
# Password 783113
Wednesday Testimony Meeting
8:00 pm
(In-person and Zoom)
Thanksgiving Day Service
10:30 am
(In-person and Zoom)
Reading Room
Saturdays from 10am -12:00
and after the Sunday church services
Same location as church

First Church of Christ, Scientist,
Southbury, CT
27 Roxbury Road
Southbury, CT 06488
(203) 262-1944
Sunday Service and Sunday School
10:00 am
Wednesday Testimony Meeting
12:00 pm
Thanksgiving Day Service
10:00 am
Reading Room Hours
Thursday: 12:00 - 3:00
Same location as church
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
Westport, CT
55 Compo Road South
Westport, Connecticut 06880
Sunday Service & Sunday School
10:00 am
Wednesday Testimony Meeting
7 pm (In-person or Zoom)
Via Zoom: Please call us for codes
Thanksgiving Day Service
10:00 am and Zoom
Reading Room
Mon, Wed & Fri
Open from 10 - 2
Also, the second and fourth Saturday
of each month.
Call at 10 am to confirm hours
7365 Main Street
Stratford, CT 06614

First Church of Christ, Scientist,
Willimantic, CT
870 Main Street
Willimantic, CT 06226
(860) 456-3230
Sunday Service and Sunday School
10 am (In person)
or via conference call. Dial 617-793-8898
Wednesday Testimony Meeting
4:00 pm (In person)
or via conference call.
Dial 617-793-8898
Thanksgiving Day Service
10:00 am (In person)
or via conference call.
Dial 617-793-8898
Reading Room Hours
Mon, Tue, Thr, Fri 10:00 - 1:00
Wednesday 1:00 - 4:00
Same location as church